Our Manifest on Learning

In KAIZEN we believe that..

We believe …

  1. … that real learning happens with intrinsic motivation, and when children take responsibility for their own learning process
  2. …that teacher must act as an observer, supporter, facilitator, mentor, who helps set up the space, and then lets the learning happen
  3. …that every child develops, grows and learns at his or her own speed. Rushing him/her won’t get there faster
  4. …that attitudes go before academics. Encouraging active learner attitudes will tremendously help in skill and knowledge growth.
  5. …that schools themselves must be continuous self-learning organizations. Every adult in a school is a self-driven learner.
  6. …that learning happens all the time and everywhere. Schools must open the doors and let kids outside.
  7. …that significant and inspiring adults are very important in the development of a child.
  8. …that learning experience should be practical, relevant and useful in the life of a child
  9. …that play is the main way of learning for younger children
  10. …that we should teach through our own examples, and not words.